David Capuano

Born in 1993 in Milan where I am currently living and working.

Through senses I would like to accompany the spectator towards a state of pure and absolute beauty. What we sense does not need an explanation, it can be reached by anyone; no matter what race, ethnicity, culture, religion. Art is the major declaration of love towards God; it is the only way for a man to remain immortal, to donate something magnificent to those who will follow; The most spontaneous and ardent gesture that can unite the profound knowledge of life with dexterity.

Nobody, in front of a great work, seeks the meaning behind it, but contemplates it instead.

The gaze can never capture its totality; it keeps on moving, it gets lost, looking for something that could not have been instantly found before, and which can not be found in later moment.

Beauty has no concept or purpose.

I will study, I will live, I will watch and I will love more than anyone else to look, in a feverish way, the purest Beauty.